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Prayer List – updated September 1st

July 15, 2024

JOYS: JOYS: Dan Saunders’ back surgery went well Friday & JJ’s [Robin (McDaniel) Gardner’s son] oral surgery went well on Friday.

CONCERNS: Danny Pelton has been diagnosed with Covid pneumonia, Rev. Bill McDaniel (JJ’s grandfather) has been hospitalized due to gall stones and a possible bone infection, one wing at Good Shepherd has experienced a Covid outbreak, & husband & wife Pat & Janet Bowers have both been diagnosed with cancer (Pat liver & Janet colon).

PRAYER LIST: Leticia Caudill, Carri Breidenbach, Tina Imbrock, Delores Kinn, Jean Mertes, Sandy Lehner, Laverne Ruth, Jacqueline Freeman, Sue Brickner, Michelle Steinmetz, Pat Scherger, Helen Emerine’s friend Lori, Ron Pollard, Joe Stacy, Terry Vitt, Brian Coppus, Courtney Kourtney, Judy Prosser, Abel Anthony Kreh, Brenda Finney, Margaret Cumbow, Pam Dunson, Richard Wyant, Mike Grandillo, and Carol Fruth.

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